Talk Like TED

A wonderful story and an engaging presentation have a lot in common. Beats. Beats are key to a great presentation for selling and sharing ideas, beliefs and messages. Both stories and presentations are designed to communicate in such a way that the audience remembers. A presenter wants the audience to recall data, information, research, charts, features, messages and much more.

Tell me a story and I will remember, tell me facts and I will forget.

The three beat structure has been used by some of the great presenters of our time, from Steve Jobs to Martin Luther King. You can also use this scaffolding as the foundation for selling and communicating significant meaning, whether it be to a few internally or to a larger audience. The situation doesn’t matter, the clarity of ideas does.

Clarity of ideas, how to articulate and then sell them is crucial.

Working with the three beat structure will give you confidence in front of your audience, allowing you to share your passion and enthusiasm and to structure ideas in such a way as to make them memorable. Used by big tech companies to sell ideas, it is the foundation for a contemporary presentation.

An effective symposium doesn’t have to be long, doesn’t need hundreds of slides in the presentation deck, doesn’t need whistles and bells to wow and shock your audience. It needs clear, strong, honest and believable beats. The same as a great story. Beats are the points in the presentation that ignite belief in your audience and the moment they start to invest in you. This is when you’ll start to enjoy presenting and the fear will disappear.

Learning outcomes.

– Discover the three beat structure and apply to your own challenge or big idea

– Analyse classic presentations that use the three beat structure.

– Earn a knowledge of your audience.

– How much can your audience be expected to remember? Dip into working memory.

– Creating a STAR moment. Something They’ll Aways Remember.

– What is your call to action?

Performance and taming the presenter.

– What are my hands doing?

– Eyes are a vital point of contact

– Less is more and trust your objective.

– Using visual punctuation to make a key moment

– Calming nervous energy

– To pause or not to pause.

– Connecting with your audience using emotion.

Who is workshop for?

Tech leaders and tech entrepreneurs

Team leaders



Business leaders

Anyone who wants to discover next level presentation skills.

The day – 15th May in London.

The day long workshop is designed to give you feedback and to learn from others in a friendly and constructive environment, should you choose to present on the day. A lovely lunch and plenty of tea and coffee will be available to all delegates. Numbers will be restricted to fifteen. There will be notes to take away with you.

I would encourage you to bring along a three minute presentation with a view to presenting during the day and adapting and improving with the three beat structure.

The presenter on the day.

Oscar Stringer will be leading this event. Oscar has been working with Apple, BBC, British Council for over twenty years as a freelance creative facilitator. Presenting and developing ideas and approaches for a wide range of different audiences. Delivering Keynote speeches in educational environments all over the world. Oscar is currently working with a variety of tech start-ups and developers, assisting them with strategies for selling and presenting to investors as well as delivering this workshop to Women in Leadership and at the Apple iOS Academy, in Naples.


Tickets are limited to 15 and can be purchased at Eventbrite by Clicking on this link.