Enhancing MFL with iPads

  • Develop higher level thinking skills with your Modern Foreign Language students
  • Use the iPad to differentiate in class
  • Encourage independent learning and vocabulary practice
  • Explore the potential iPad offers as a digital pencil case to create content, quickly
  • Discover the new, relevant features of iPad iOS16 for the MFL classroom

For All MFL Teachers and EAL Support Staff

Developed by Oscar Stringer over the last eight years while working in schools, this course will ensure you develop confidence and provide practical ideas for using iPads effectively to enhance MFL and support EAL students. Take time to explore apps that encourage creativity and allow students to collaborate, ensuring both teachers and students get the most from this ever developing, relevant technology.

Discover More and Empower all with Technology

Working with free apps, create quizzes, collaboration tasks, video and animations. Explore QR Codes, digital portfolio, presentation, MFL student feedback and peer assessment apps.

iPads coupled with the right collection of apps are a relevant and flexible tool, allowing teachers to inspire and students to collaborate, create and practice.

The Personal Mobile Language Lab

The app list will be forwarded on receipt of your booking form.

The course will be led by Oscar Stringer, an Apple Education Trainer, who has been working with Apple technologies in schools for over twenty years. As well as running practical, relevant courses for teachers around the world, Oscar has also worked for the BBC, Film Council, BFI, Globe Theatre, British Council and Film Education.

The training event will start at 10am and finish at 3pm on Friday 20th January 2023. Cost for the training session will be £275.00 and lunch is included.

If you require an MFL departmental training session on a different day, contact Oscar here to arrange a more convenient time.

As a delegate of the course you will also have access to all the MFL training materials on the iPad Training Hub.

If you have any questions, please contact Oscar here.

Booking form

    Your Name (required)

    Your school email (required)

    Position at school:

    Name of school:

    Finance Officer Name

    Finance Officer Email

    Name of course:

    Additional comments:

    Feedback from previous training days

    “Many thanks for a great day learning about how to use iPads in MFL. I really learned loads and gained confidence using Ipads in class. I like the way your advice and tips were targeted to the variety of different contexts in each participant’s school, and the hands on approach to practising using the apps. I am taking lots of ideas back to my school and am already implementing them into my practice.” – Merci!

    “I found the course very helpful from my starting-point of not using my iPad much for teaching. The course was very hands-on and enjoyable. From my first day back at work afterwards I have been putting what I learnt into practise and will be feeding back to my department in due course.” – Emily